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Amazon Used Deals Finder!
scours your wishlist for the best used discounts.
by Caitlyn Pascal.

(her dj mixes, mp3 blog, wishlist, twitter.)

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This site is designed as a tool to browse your Amazon wishlist and discover/track the best deals. We LIKE browsing our wishlist for deals, dammit. It's the next best thing to browsing the aisles of a bookstore.
We are signed up with the Amazon Affiliates program, so please buy books from clicking from here. The pennies earned go towards my art book addiction.
Best used with Chrome or Firefox, especially with larger lists.

Methodology notes:
By default we sort by SCORE, which is the percentage of discount multiplied by the priority you have assigned the book (5=highest, 1=lowest) + the amount saved. Kind of arbitrary, but it works for me.
I add shipping costs to the used price by default because I assume you would comparably order new copy from Amazon and get free shipping.
This program is based purely on web scrapes. When Amazon inevitably changes their formatting, it will break. Email Caitlyn when that happens and I will get around to fixing it. Many other past Amazon-based tools were API based and all are now defunct because of how amazon would shift access around. Web scraping is dead. Long live the web scrape.
Dear Amazon representative wondering about weird traffic patterns: Please don't block us. We're sending business your way. Why would you want to block us? That would be silly.